Pusheenthecat Wiki

Sunflower is Pusheen's mother. She and Biscuits (Pusheen's Daddy) are the parents of Pusheen. She often appears on blog posts for mothers day. Pusheen loves her mom dearly, as seen in the Mother's Day GIF.


Originally, Sunflower, was depicted as being a light beige cat with darker beige stripes. More recently, she has been depicted as a white cat with orange stripes. It seems in the comic below she is described as being younger then right now, and the grey- blackish cat is supposed to be Biscuit , Sunflower's husband.


Ten mały komiks „Pusheen: the origin story” opisuje historię ich rodzicielstwa. Teoria adopcji może być prawdziwa, ponieważ Pusheen jest widoczny w tym komiksie, a może tak nie było, ponieważ Stormy i Pip się nie pojawili.

Translation: This little comic book "Pusheen: the origin story" tells the story of their parentage. The adoption theory may be true as Pusheen is seen in this comic, or maybe it wasn't because Stormy and Pip didn't show up.we mostly think that Pusheen was adopted because of this comic but we do not know.

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