Pusheenthecat Wiki

Yolka Crazy! Yolka Crazy! 17 June 2014

Hey guys! I have been thinking...

Hello everyone! I am the founder of this wiki, and I recently came back on to see how things have been. Lots of new people have been here and editing which I really appreciate, but I would like to restrict wikia contributors, as most of them are either swearing/spamming.

I know some of the contributors are really nice and are helping, but I would prefer if they made an account so we don't have to keep reverting a whole bunch of spam and nonsence people put on to the pages. Please voice your opinions below, and let me know what you think!

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Yolka Crazy! Yolka Crazy! 5 July 2013

Create-A-Story Contest 2013!

Hey guys! Today, the 1st Annual Create-A-Story is being held! What you have to do is create a story with Pusheen and any other characters and make a blog post about it. The person who I think has the best story, will be featured on the Homepage! (Plus, there very own signature!)

  • Must be a paragraph or more
  • Keep it family friendly
  • Don't hate on any other story!

Nobody till July 20th!

  • Toast With The Most --------- Sharing Stormy!
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